Introduction to Morpheo

Main concepts

Morpheo is a for-privacy platform which attracts algorithms and data in order to provide accurate and automatic detection of patterns.

It is backed by a permissioned blockchain to guarantee traceability of all transactions on the platform. Transactions include:

  • registration of data / algorithms on the platform
  • training of an algorithm on a set of data
  • computation of a prediction on a given data and using a specific trained algorithm

See the white paper for more details.

Morpheo Architecture

Morpheo architecture is organized as below:

Morpheo Architecture


Entry door for data providers. This is part of the data client described in the white-paper.It is mainly developped by Rythm, as a close source project.

Analytics and Notebook

Entry door for algorithms providers. This is part of the data client described in the white-paper.

Detailed documentation:

  • here for Analytics
  • not yet available for Notebook


Wharehouse of encrypted data and algorithms.

Detailed documentation here.


Secured containers performing learning and prediction tasks.

Detailed documentation here.


Orchestrator of operations on the platform.

This is the part which was first developped as a classic REST API (doc here) and which is currently being translated to smart contracts of a permissioned blockchain. We use the Hyperledger Fabric technology.

Detailed documentation here.